The following blog post was originally published in November, 2012. —ed.
God’s Word is clear—believers are not to be given over to anxiety. But it’s not simply a cold, abrupt command to stop worrying. Scripture is clear that we shouldn’t focus on the plans, needs, and uncertainties of tomorrow, but it’s also clear about where our focus should be instead.
This is what Jesus said to His followers, and the same instructions hold true for us today: “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
In other words, focus your thoughts and your energy on the Lord’s plans and purposes, and He will take care of your physical needs. God wants to free His children from being preoccupied with the mundane. Colossians 3:2 says as directly as possible, “Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” A worldly, materialistic Christian is a contradiction in terms.
Seeking God’s kingdom is to be our first priority. It means doing what you can to promote God’s rule over His creation. That includes manifesting His rule in your life through “righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17). When the world sees those virtues in your life instead of worry, it is evidence of the Lord’s work in you, and it testifies to the priorities of your heart. You can tell people about the gospel all you want, but if your life is marked by anxiety and fear, they will not believe you have anything they need. They will question the power and love of the Lord.
It’s not easy to cast your cares on the Lord and trust Him to supply all your needs. But it’s what He’s commanded us to do through His Word. And in a world consumed with worry and fear, an anxiety-free life adorns the gospel and magnifies the Lord.
Look at your life objectively—where do you spend most of your time? What consumes your thoughts? Where do you put your energy and resources? The daily pattern of your life says a lot about what matters to you, what you hope for, what you put your trust in, and what you truly love.
One way or another, your life is a testimony to those around you. What does yours say about your faith, your fears, and your priorities?

(Adapted from Anxious for Nothing.)