John MacArthur on Every Believer's Responsibility

by GTY Staff

Monday, March 23, 2020

The following blog post was originally published on August 24, 2015. —ed.

If you’re like most Christians, you probably have a consistent Sunday morning routine. Maybe you rush to church in time to greet your friends, grab some coffee, make your way to your regular seat, and settle in just in time for worship. Your pattern may look different, but it’s fairly certain you have one you stick to.

But when it comes to the routine of corporate worship in your local church, do you think much about your responsibility in your Sunday services? I’m not talking about stacking chairs and handing out bulletins—it’s a responsibility that every believer shares. And sadly, today, very few fulfill.

What is this responsibility? We’ll let John MacArthur explain.

With so many once-reputable preachers, teachers, and writers who have drifted away from orthodoxy–not to mention the rank charlatans who pretend to speak for God—the church must faithfully cultivate the discernment of the Bereans. We need to uphold God’s Word as the sufficient, inerrant standard, and not give ear or opportunity to anyone who contradicts it.

For the last two weeks, we’ve been looking at a biblical plan to develop that Berean mindset. Next time, we’ll consider how to put it to work in protecting God’s sheep from the wolves.

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