This article is also available and sold as a booklet.
Be Prepared for the Glorious Return of Christ
Humility and servanthood marked Christ’s first coming. Serving the poor, healing the sick, dying on a cross. Yet that’s not the end of the story—not even close.
He rose from dead, ascended into heaven, and promised to come again. And when He does, it won’t be as a humble servant riding a lowly donkey. He’s coming as warrior and judge, and the terrifying events He’ll bring with Him will culminate in bloody confrontation and the defeat of Satan and his followers.
When Jesus Comes, John MacArthur’s vivid study of Revelation 19–20, not only paints a clear picture of Christ’s imminent return, but it also helps you sort through questions many Christians struggle with.
- How does the rapture differ from the return of Christ?
- Will people be saved after the rapture?
- What is the significance of Armageddon?
- What are the various views of the millennial kingdom?
- Which view does Scripture support?