Christian Deconstruction

Today on a special edition of Grace to You, John MacArthur examines a troubling trend in the church today called “Christian deconstruction.” You may have heard another term frequently associated with the movement: “exvangelicals.” It refers to people who once claimed to follow Christ but who have walked away from the standards, the structure, and the spiritual authority of the church. In many cases, they have renounced their faith altogether.

While this might seem like a new development, John shows how it is really as old as the church itself. Moreover, he explains that when professing Christians just walk away from their churches, there is good reason to believe that they had never really come to saving faith in the first place.

You’ll find links below to listen to today’s special broadcast, to hear both of John’s full-length sermons on Christian deconstruction, and to request of free copy of his booklet You Must Be Born Again.

Click here to listen to today’s broadcast

Click here to request your free copy of You Must Be Born Again

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Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time
Since 1969