Exposing the Campaign for Immorality

The 2024 Democratic National Convention is a revelation of the sinful depths to which our society has sunk. It’s a celebration of all that God hates.

A keynote speaker, Oprah Winfrey, declared that without aborting babies there is no American dream. Achieving limitless abortion is at the top of their agenda. The Democratic party has become a death cult.

“For he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord. But he who sins against me injures himself; all those who hate me love death.” PROVERBS 8:35–36

In further evidence of the prevailing evil, a clinic was set up at the convention to provide attendees with abortions and vasectomies—a hateful assault on family. The DNC platform emphasizes the celebration of homosexuality and transgender perversion—a further assault on the Creator and His creation. The DNC set up gender-neutral prayer rooms throughout the convention center equipped with Islamic prayer rugs, thus promoting satanic religion.

So here is the new American dream: blatant immorality, homosexuality, child sacrifices, and satanic religion, all reflecting the death of truth, conscience, and virtue but mostly a rejection of the Bible—the Word of God. Blasphemy against God is the dominant theme. God is not mocked. He will respond with judgment. His first wave of judgment is operating even now as described in Romans 1:18–32. That passage in Romans describes what takes place when God abandons a nation. They are given up to immorality, homosexuality, and a reprobate mind (which is moral insanity). There will also be in the future a final judgment as described in 2 Thessalonians 1:5–10. Everything leads to physical, spiritual, and eternal death. Shockingly, joining the death cult are “Judas evangelicals” who have sold their souls to the devil, supporting his cause for popularity, fame, and money.

While the DNC is the catalyst, the need for addressing these pressing issues is much bigger than any political agenda, as society at large has moved beyond acceptance of sinful behavior and now celebrates it. The promotion of this behavior is inescapable and spreads far wider than the borders of the United States.

In light of this, I want to provide a series of messages offering clarity to many critical issues. These messages are timely and timeless. They will inform us on important biblical truths so we can share with those who are lost, as well as those who profess Christ but are not being faithful to God’s Word.

Bookmark this page, as new messages will be added weekly.

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Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time
Since 1969