In a day dominated by anonymous sources, political spin, and so-called fake news, locating and understanding the truth ought to be a high priority. However, what we see most often is people circling the wagons with others who share their opinions and holding to the version of the facts that reinforces their biases.
People don’t want the truth as much as they want the “truth” that makes them feel comfortable and confident. They want the truth only inasmuch as it confirms what they’re already thinking, saying, and doing. With relativism run amok, the truth only matters to the degree it gives you license.
Tragically, that perspective on truth has infiltrated the church. Today, professing believers want God to speak personally to them through their dreams and mental impressions. The implication is that His Word isn’t enough—that their unique circumstances and needs require a direct line to the Almighty.
We recently asked John MacArthur about this growing desire for a private word from the Lord, and how that assaults the authority and sufficiency of Scripture. Here’s what he said:
Next week we will pick up where we left off in our series Mysticism vs. Scripture. In the meantime, we want to hear from you. What experience have you had with the mystical trends pervading the church today? And what impact did they have on your spiritual growth and your confidence in the Word of God?
As you may be aware, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into full effect on 25th May 2018. GDPR is the new European privacy regulation, which will replace the Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK and the equivalent legislation across the EU Member States.
Here at Grace to You Europe we take our data protection responsibilities very seriously and, as you would expect, have undertaken a significant programme of work to ensure that we are ready for this important legislative change.
Accordingly, we have updated our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions in order to comply with GDPR.
Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time Since 1969