This article is also available and sold as a booklet.
“Am I really all that bad?”
If you haven’t said those words, you’ve probably at least thought them. And with reason—you can always find a worse offender, someone who has violated God’s law to a degree you’ve never even approached. The fact is, there is probably a long list of sins you have never committed, never will commit, and would never even contemplate committing.
But does God measure sin on a sliding scale? What are His expectations, His standard? And not just for your behavior, but also your thoughts—whether or not you act on them?
In The Sinfulness of Sin, John MacArthur moves you beyond shallow views of morality to expose the heart attitudes where sin takes root. Study these six messages to look at some of Jesus’s hardest, most convicting teaching, and reveal areas in your life you may never have thought to scrutinize.