This article is also available and sold as a booklet.
The world is looking for a uniter. A fixer. Some charismatic personality who, finally, will bring peace to all nations and all people.
There is a person who will appear to be all that. Millions, if not billions, will hail him as the hope for mankind. But he will turn out to be something altogether different. He will, in fact, be a nightmare. The Bible calls him Antichrist.
With communications, trade, and diplomacy connecting the world like never before, you might conclude that conditions have never been riper for unified authority—and the rise of Antichrist. So what do we know about this man? How will he come to power? And what will he do once in control?
Only Scripture brings The Man Who Would Be Christ out of the shadows. John MacArthur’s study of 2 Thessalonians 2 exposes this ultimate enemy of God and His people—and shows you how to avoid the atrocities he’ll unleash.