This article is also available and sold as a booklet.
God’s Love Reaches Out
Perfect love is what God has promised to do and to be. In love He reaches out to you—love not based on shifting emotions or what you deserve, but bound up in the very nature of who He is.
But can you really take Him at His word? If God is love, how do you explain those nagging questions we all have but dare never ask aloud?
Does God love everyone the same?
How can a loving God allow people to suffer?
If God loves the world, why did He choose to save only some and not everyone?
If God’s nature is to love, how can He be so filled with wrath and judgment toward sinners?
In The Love of God, John MacArthur offers a passionate, well-argued defense for what the love of God is—and what it is not. This series tackles the difficult questions head on and provides frank, thoroughly biblical answers.