This article is also available and sold as a booklet.
What’s the most important thing about your church? Worship style? Music? Atmosphere? Cultural relevance? Friendliness? Parking? Location?
While many elements make for a growing, healthy church, John MacArthur is convinced there’s nothing more crucial than the pulpit. How pastors handle Scripture is not secondary to their congregations’ spiritual maturity and effective ministry—it’s the heart of it. Preaching and doctrine should be the unwavering preoccupation not only of every pastor but also of every church member.
It was out of a compelling love for preaching, and a deep concern for the direction of today’s congregations, that John conducted an important series of lectures and question-and-answer sessions on the church and preaching. He takes a rare departure from his usual verse-by-verse teaching method to give you Insight into a Pastor’s Heart.