This article is also available and sold as a booklet.
Every day, it seems the popular culture boldly crosses yet another moral boundary in its thinking about sin. The cultural revolution continues apace, and it’s increasingly clear that believers face not only political questions when they step into the polling booth, but issues of foundational biblical principle.
One of America’s largest political parties has made all that Romans 1 condemns the core of its platform, openly advocating the killing of unborn infants and the legitimization of various kinds of perversion. And they intend to harness the legislative process to make everyone abide by their upside-down morality—forcibly.
We who love Christ and seek to honor Him cannot sit in passive silence while our nation’s politicians pursue such an evil agenda. When the political process becomes a vehicle for accelerating the spread of iniquity and unrighteousness, the issue has outstripped partisan politics and careened into the believer’s responsibility to think and act biblically to stem the tide of rank immorality. Join John MacArthur as he helps you do just that in this brief series, Exposing the Campaign for Immorality.