What if, for just one day, your secret and most intimate thoughts were broadcast for everyone else to see and hear? Most of us can’t help but cringe at the thought. No matter how respectable our outward behavior, if all the wayward thoughts and sinful attitudes concealed in our hearts were exposed, it wouldn’t take long for people’s idea of us to change completely.
But think about this: God is the audience to all your thoughts.
Our external behavior is not the sole measure of who we are; the Lord looks at our heart. Especially in an age of constant, private, algorithmically tailored temptation, many of our fiercest spiritual battles are not against overt sins, but our innermost thoughts, attitudes, and imaginations. In the booklet Keeping a Pure Mind, John MacArthur helps you see how Scripture describes the true nature—and danger—of the sins that no one else sees.
Gain biblical wisdom and encouragement for this battle, and prepare to take every thought captive to obedience to Christ.