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Look Inside The Vanishing Conscience

The Vanishing Conscience

  • Softcover
  • Selected Scriptures
  • 451122S


What is sin, really? What happens when the biblical understanding of guilt disappears from a society? And what is the purpose of conscience—how can you tell if yours is functioning appropriately?

John MacArthur gets to the heart of those questions in his book The Vanishing Conscience: Drawing the Line in a No-Fault, Guilt-Free World. Immersed in a culture that elevates self-esteem (i.e., pride) to the status of a virtue, evangelicalism has spent years imbibing the world’s faulty re-definitions. And the consequences—for individuals, for the church, and for society—could not be more dire. Is there any solution?

Find out why recovering a biblical understanding of sin, guilt, and grace is so vital—and discover the tremendous hope that is yours in Christ.


Praise for The Vanishing Conscience

"...a wake-up call and an alarm to jolt the sleeping church.  Not all will like it, but all should read it.  In this day of morality by majority, self-centered ministry, and twilight-zone theology, a clear word like this is long overdue."

Dr. Adrian Rogers,
Pastor, Bellevue Baptist Church

“...a clear and prophetic word that we must hear and heed.”

Dr. Joseph M. Stowell,
President, Moody Bible Institute



Softcover: 280 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0785271819
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.6 inches


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  • The Vanishing Conscience
  • The Vanishing Conscience

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