A quick look at a list of bestselling books and you’ll see that heaven is a hot topic. After all, who doesn’t wonder and long to know more about the place you’ll forever live in the presence of God, untouched by sorrow, pain, and fear. What will it be like? What will you do in heaven? How will you recognize and relate to loved ones there?
The problem is, runaway books about heaven are selling—and misleading people—by the millions. They are filled with fabricated, fictional accounts that claim to tell the truth about heaven. John MacArthur critiques those claims—and offers an in-depth, biblical explanation of God’s eternal city—in a fully revised, new edition of The Glory of Heaven. You’ll discover what the Bible really teaches about your glorious future home.
Here’s a brief excerpt from the introduction concerning the current interest in heaven:
One thing is clear: it does not signal any significant upsurge of interest in the biblical perspective on eternity. On the contrary, the data actually seem to indicate that lots of people are simply making up whatever concept of heaven pleases them.
We would of course expect New Age practitioners, cranks, and cultists to abandon the Bible in favor of their own dreams and fantasies. But this tendency to invent one’s own personal concept of heaven seems to be an even bigger problem in the evangelical community than it is in the world at large.
The heart of our study together in this book will be an in-depth look at what the Bible says about heaven. No matter what one thinks about or wishes to imagine about heaven, the reality is different and better by magnitudes.
If the inerrant biblical truth God has given us is the only reliable knowledge about heaven we have access to (and it is), then that is what should grip our hearts and minds. . . . Now let’s see why the Bible’s account of heaven is so much better than the dreams and speculations of the human mind.
Praise for The Glory of Heaven
"MacArthur cuts through the sentimentality that often accompanies so-called visits to heaven by taking us back to the Scriptures...and teaches us much needed lessons in biblical discernment."
Erwin W. Lutzer
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: Crossway
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1433538681
Product Dimensions: 6.25 x 0.75 x 9.25 inches