Previously published as A Tale of Two Sons
“Of all Jesus’ parables, the prodigal son is the most richly detailed, powerfully dramatic, and intensely personal. The parable is not a warm and fuzzy feel-good message, but a powerful wake-up call with a very earnest warning.” —John MacArthur
It’s strange but true. One of the most familiar, best-loved stories of the Bible is also one of the most misunderstood and poorly taught. There’s more drama, raw emotion, and profound meaning to the parable of the prodigal son than most people realize.
In The Prodigal Son, John takes you back in time to Jesus’ masterful telling of the penetrating story, helping you hear, understand, and respond to it the same way His original listeners did. Along the way, John restores the brilliance of the parable, giving you engrossing cultural and historical background, and unveiling a shocking, surprise ending.
The Prodigal Son takes you inside God’s tender heart for sinners, and spurs you to deeper study of His Word as you see new richness unfold from even this most familiar passage.
Softcover: 221 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1400202683
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.3 inch