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“We make money the old-fashioned way. We earn it.” That slogan, made famous by an American investment company, for years assured us that the best way—perhaps the only way—to get what we want in life is through hard work.

While the earn-your-way-to-success philosophy is sound business advice, many today make the mistake of applying that formula to their relationship with God. Both believers and unbelievers, confused about the role of good works in salvation, are damaging the gospel by adding unbiblical requirements or subtracting necessary elements.

Justified by Faith answers and corrects the misconceptions about faith and good works that dominate the church today. John MacArthur helps you construct a clean, accurate, and practical definition of biblical, saving faith. It’s an ideal series for your group Bible study, or for any Christian who desires a firm grasp on the issues of faith, grace, and good works.

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Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time
Since 1969


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Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time
Since 1969
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Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time
Since 1969
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Unleashing God’s Truth, One Verse at a Time
Since 1969