The notion of a Trojan horse originates from a physical battle over three thousand years ago, but it applies to the never-ending spiritual war as well. In fact, Jude makes this point in his letter: “Certain persons have crept in unnoticed . . . ungodly persons who turn the grace of God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ” (Jude 4). Scripture is clear, ungodly people with ungodly teaching smuggle themselves into the church. What is worse, they sometimes creep in because of her undiscerning leaders. That has certainly been the case regarding the influx of Charismatic theology to the church today.
How do we make sense of influential and otherwise respectable theologians who promote the continuation of the gift of prophecy—including some who pursue the use of the gift themselves? Is this merely a theological fine point on which we can agree to disagree? Or is there something more sinister going on—are these continuationist brothers unwittingly assisting the enemy?
In his Strange Fire sermon “An Appeal to Charismatic Friends,” John MacArthur shows the danger that continuationist theologians pose to the larger evangelical church. He explains that when “continuationist scholars give credence to charismatic interpretations, or fail to directly condemn unbiblical charismatic practices, they provide theological cover for a movement that is deadly dangerous.” These men want to accept the locomotive of prophecy, without considering the train of increasingly worse theology and practice that naturally follows it. In that regard, they’ve effectively become satanic Trojan horses, helping to smuggle dangerous doctrines and false teachers into the church.
These leaders need a wake-up call, and that is precisely what John MacArthur seeks to do in his sermon “An Appeal to Charismatic Friends.” In this highly personal and practical address, he provides eight reasons why even a moderate affirmation of Charismatic tenets is dangerous for the people of Christ.
John’s message will help you understand the perils of providing cover for wolves within the Charismatic movement, and help you consider whether your own positions and associations present a danger to your believing brothers and sisters. Could you, too, be an unwitting Trojan horse for heresy? John also reminds you why every sound teacher must protect the flock from these covert attacks.
Watch John MacArthur's message “An Appeal to Charismatic Friends.”
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